I’m a product designer who enjoys complex technical problems and discussions on ethics in design. These days, I know a lot about designing interfaces for authentication security.


How did I get here?

While in high school and university, I had a bit of a capricious relationship with technology. I loved gaming and computers, but when it came to programming or using them in my studies, I struggled against just about every bug and user interface oddity conceivable. I resigned myself to a fate of forever struggling to use these machines for work blaming myself for the issues, that those around me labeled “user errors.” I earned my BFA in Graphic Design fully intending to become an illustrator—a discipline that did not require the use of computer software.

After some time and a few left turns, I took on my first design role creating graphics for e-learning software where I took on the additional responsibility of designing and developing websites for the agency’s customers. Against what I thought was my better judgment at the time and with the help of some very generous coworkers, I taught myself basic web development skills.

Learning HTML and CSS became the impetus for a career in designing and creating user experiences on the internet. I’d discovered the tools and processes to help me improve the software I’d struggled against in school. Fascinated with what makes something fun, easy, and delightful to use and recalling my past struggles, I’ve sought to provide people using the software I design with better experiences than my own.

A Little About My Process

My design approach involves a lot of research, a lot of talking and asking people questions, a little bit of prototyping, and a lot less code than it used to. I see myself as both an advocate of the people using the software products I work on as well as an advocate for ethical and inclusive design as a discipline and would rather be caught dead than actually accusing someone of “user error.” It’s not unusual to find me discussing or presenting the current design problem I’m working on with my coworkers from across all departments in my company.

Other things I enjoy

Outside of work, I’m a collector of hobbies. So much so, my hobbies have seasons. Current loves include knitting, fooding, gaming, and Gudetama.